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Friday, February 06, 2004

STOP Eating People!

A well thought essay regarding the German canibal can be found at the link below. Some selected text follows.


Ruling that Meiwes had no "base motives" in killing and then devouring about 20 kilograms of Brandes by the time of his arrest (with more select cuts stashed in his freezer), Judge Volker Muetze justified his lenient verdict because the consent of the eaten had been fully given.

Describing the killer and his victim as "two psychologically sick people who found each other," Muetze ruled that "the famous lust for murder was not there. Meiwes found the killing very unpleasant."

Aw, did the poor little cannibal have a bad time?

Going by some of his recent statements and actions, I would say it's debatable that Meiwes either regrets or repents his actions. "Don't worry, I won't eat you," he joked with reporters at a pretrial media scrum.

"I had my big kick and I don't need to do it again," Meiwes told the court at the close of his trial.

Yet when he was arrested nine months after killing Brandes, it was because police were notified the supposedly satiated Meiwes had posted yet another message on the Internet seeking someone to kill and eat. With good behaviour, Meiwes could conceivably be out of jail and firing up his computer to plan more diabolical menus in just four short years.

Meiwes is already sorting through offers from publishers seeking the rights to his grisly story. His defence lawyer says "Meiwes hasn't started writing yet, but he wants to do it. He needs a ghost writer. The offers are stacked up on my desk."

While it hasn't aroused a fraction of the outcry attending Janet Jackson's exposed breast in the Super Bowl halftime show last Sunday, in some circles at least, outrage has been voiced about the judge's expression of compassion for cannibals.

Yet this alarmingly lenient ruling only reflects the drift that has been underway for years in the international chambers of the judiciary.

Increasingly unmoored from clear Judeo-Christian and common law principles about what's right and wrong, our courts have become so caught up in secondary considerations about consent and the need to not judge too harshly the lifestyle choices of even the pathologically ill, that they're losing sight of the most obvious and simplest of principles, such as "Eating people is wrong."


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