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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Quick Roundup

I've been sick the last several days. Still am, for that matter. But, thought I'd post a quick roundup of where we stand:

1. The house keys were handed to us last Wednesday evening, two days ahead of schedule. The place looks great, though awefully white. I plan on changing that soon.

2. Cami and I moved about 70% of our stuff on Friday and Saturday, including everything in our Muncie storage (things we had cleaned out to make the house in Muncie look bigger for showing to prospective buyers), all of the bedroom and kitchen/dinning area, and some of the garage-tools-type stuff, AND all of the Kokomo storage where our new furniture was patiently waiting for us. Thanks to Kim Overmyer for lending a hand in the LOAD UP process on Friday.

3. Sunday, we showed the house and brought the dogs to Kokomo. The parrot too. It was a fun trip. I was already feeling pretty bad, by the end of that trip, I felt worse. The dogs kinda like the new house, but hate that we have them tied out on stakes until we can sell the Muncie house and buy, you know, a fence.

4. I stayed home Monday and Tuesday. I spent all of maybe three hours out of the bed those two days. I don't feel that much better, in retrospect.

5. I have actually written almost 1,200 words in the NaNoWriMo project, which isn't bad considering my current mental/physical state. I hope for more this evening. I could have written more yesterday if I could have stayed conscious.

6. The house is a maze of boxes. Cami is doing a swell job unpacking the kitchen, but I need to have the gas stove hooked up and out of the middle of the kitchen area. I DO have the washer and dryer and fridge all up and running, so I guess that is a start.

7. Whirlpool tub in master bathroom? It rocks.

8. There are two couches in the garage. They don't fit in through the door that was free of a massive pile of books-in-boxes. They will be moved into their proper place should I ever find the energy to move the boxes of books upstairs.

Thats it for now. Sorry no pics. I'll try to get some soon. The house will seem finished once we have the drive and the finish grading done...woo hoo!

Anyone interested in buying a house in Muncie?